What better way to start off the year than an interview on one of your favourite topics? I was recently interviewed by the “En sincronía” team for their podcast. A big thank you to Damián Santilli, Blanca Arias Badia and Guillermo Parra for hosting me.
“En sincronía” is the only podcast for Spanish speakers devoted exclusively to the Audiovisual Translation (or Media Localization) field. Even though most of the content is in Spanish, international listeners are welcome to follow interviews in English, such as this one. In episode 37, I discuss machine translation and post-editing with the team and how it’s shaping our lives in AVT and what to expect for the future. Also, in the sections in Spanish, Guillermo talks about the subtitles of the movie “The Menu”, and Blanca presents a new PhD thesis by Irene Hermosa on audio description in opera.
Listen to the podcast here: https://www.ensincroniapodcast.com/1112315/12169013